Fund Development Associates
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Fund Development Associates
Client Services

Fund Development Associates is a full service consulting firm specializing in the following areas:

Capital Campaign Management
The Implemented Strategies Will…
Assure That The Campaign Goal Is Reached
Energize Your Organization
Raise Major Funding Amounts
Attract Larger Gifts To Your Organization
Identify New, Dynamic Volunteer Leadership
Help Achieve Your Dream
Achieve Your Funding Vision
Act As A Major Source For Future Fundraising
Make You Successful
Increase Your Organization’s Visibility

Capital Campaign Feasibility Studies
We Will Have Answered…
Can The Needed Funds Be Raised?
Where Will These Funds Come From?
What Is The Region’s Fundraising Capacity?
Who Will Lead The Campaign?
Who Will Be The Major Givers?
How Much Will It Cost?
What Is The Best Time To Do This Project?
How Successful Are We Likely To Be?
What Are The Optimal Funding Strategies?
What Roles Does Everyone Play?
Can The Project Be Completed All At Once?
Or Must It Be Phased?

Governing Board Development
Our Proven System Will…
Strengthen Your Governing Board
Rededicate Their Efforts
Motivate Them To Raise More Money
Bring New Energy
Simplify The Nomination Process
Focus On Who Should Be Recruited, Rather Than,
"Who Can We Get To Serve”
Identify Future Leadership
Add More Diversity

Fundraising Capacity Building, Annual Giving
When Completed You Will Have…
Better Opportunities to Raise Needed Funding
A Realistic Fund Development Plan
Greater Productivity From Your Efforts
A More Focused Governance Team
Highly Committed Community Volunteers
A Sound Fundraising Strategy
Increased Skills
A More Comprehensive Funds Dispersal Program
Greater Success In Finding Donors
A Larger Endowment
Enhanced Community Awareness
Clarified Roles and Responsibilities
A Fundraising Vision

Public Private Partnerships
We Will Help You…
Assess The Funding Opportunities Available
Enhance Partnerships Between Government And Funding Sources
Identify Likely Funders
Articulate Your Vision To Funders
Develop Funding Parameters
Explore The Options Of Partnering Your Organization
Research The Value Of This Relationship
Create Sponsorship Funding
Match Funders To Your Organization
Develop An Individualized Funding Strategy
Pursue Funding Decision Makers

Political Initiative Funding
We Will Help…
Develop Funding Strategies
Identify Potential Funders
Pursue Funding Sources
Raise Large Amounts, Quickly
Help Your Initiative Pass The Ballot

Fund Development Associates are:
• Consultants with environmental experience
• Consultants with Public Broadcasting experience
• Consultants with healthcare experience
• Consultants with community Radio experience
• Consultants with animal cause experience
• Consultants with Red Cross experience
• Consultants with human Services experience
• Consultants with library experience
• Consultants with Boys & Girls Club experience
• Consultants with children’s experience
• Consultants with Girl Scouts experience
• Consultants with experience in the Arts
• Consultants with hospital experience
• Consultants with recreation experience
• Consultants with museum experience
• Consultants with museum experience

© 2016 Fund Development Associates